Every Girl Needs Some Seaman

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Now what?

I must admit, as this blog makes its way to my computer screen I fear that I am dangerously close to jeopardizing the purpose of my blog entirely. If this ever becomes too sentimental, I apologize ahead of time (I will make a serious attempt to avoid this situation however).

Basically, as of exactly 1:30 PM today, I am done with my education at the University of Michigan (barring the somewhat reasonable possibility that I decide to apply for grad school). My particular route, in which I walked at graduation in an anti-climatic manner, only to take a difficult spring class for actual completion, kinda dulls the moment. Truthfully though, I probably wouldn't have gotten that excited anyway. It's so damn early in my life that I find it difficult to imagine anything I've done so far as the crowning achievement in my life (if anything were, I'd say I had a pretty shitty life). Don't get me wrong, graduating from Michigan with a degree in engineering is no small feat, but it wasn't checking Wolverine Access for my class grades that I will define the experience by in the future.

I enjoyed high school just fine, but it will never compare to even my freshman year in college alone, in terms of a learning process. Do any of you know anybody that you have come to realize are stuck in high school? When they talk of fond memories they always refer to some relative glory in 10th grade? That's what about 90% of the people I went to high school are like. For those of you who don't know, I graduated with 84 people, and I kid you not, part of my high school's mission statement had a phrase relating to "agriculture" in it. We had a drive your tractor to school day for bonus points in Agriculture class (I am 100% serious).

Basically, what I'm getting at is that expectations for students at my high school were not terribly high. I knew coming here that I was well behind many students both socially and educationally in some instances. That is exactly (20%) why I came to this school (The other 80% is because I grew up a hardcore Michigan sports fan). I loved every minute of my time here, even the worst times, because I knew that no matter what, everything would be alright in the end. I feel pretty justified now, because it turns out I was right.

This is starting to get a little long winded, so I'm going to get to the point. Although I may be done with school, I am certainly not done with my education. I will always enjoy learning and experiencing new things as long as I live. Who really knows what's next in my life? I don't, and I truly love that.


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