A mark to celebrate I guess
With the passing of the NBA Draft on Tuesday I got to thinking about how I actually wrote a blog about the same event last year...meaning that my blog must have already passed its one year birthday without my even noticing. In the spirit of what this blog stands for I believe that it would only be fair and proper to write a little bit about this year's draft in honor of such an aniversary. For those of you who read this and don't really care about the occasional sports theme that the blog takes on...well, I'll try to keep it short, then maybe I'll get onto another topic if my heart's in it.
So, where to begin. The place many people start is the question of who made out the best in the draft. I would have to say that based solely on one player falling so far it would have to be the Celtics with their improbable chance at Gerald Green. People sometimes mock those who get excited about players who are chosen on the merit of one performance (in Green's case the McDonalds All-American game), but I must say I at times agree with those who eat the hype. In the aforementioned game Green stroked 6 three pointers, and I mean stroked, as his form looked effortless and smooth. He added to his resume that weekend by dominating the slam dunk contest, including a dunk that only a handful of NBA players are athletic enough to complete. The only real knocks on him are that his game still lacks polish and of course the fact that he's about 6'8, 200 lbs. On both accounts, I feel he will catch up to his competitors sooner than the neigh sayers seem to believe. Will he be rookie of the year? Not a chance. Will he be one of the 3 best players from this draft when his first contract runs out? Not a chance he won't be.
Another pick, or lack thereof, that is surprising is Deron Williams to Utah. When I think about it I can understand why the predominatly pick and roll team would want the guy many feel most ready to run such an offense, but I personally have so much faith in the second point man taken, Chris Paul, that I would have considered him at No. 1 in the draft regardless of need. So many things about him set off my sense of basketball ESP that I can't bet against him. He was easily my favorite player to watch this past season, as his wild forays to the basket that no other player (not even Felton) in the country could finish were routine sightings for Wake fans. He surprised me by having a 38 inch vertical in workouts. He was damn near a 50% three-point shooter over his two years. But what really makes me think he will be the rookie of the year? A game he played his senior year in high school.
Many of you have never heard this story (any girls who have made it this far please at least read this one part), but during his senior year his 62 year old grandfather was shockingly murdered for no apparent reason. I saw the footage of Paul's next game on Real Sports on HBO, and I have never seen a player so possessed. Every wild shot and spin move and cross over dribble was just out of the reach of his opponents, and Paul was fouled late in the game having already amassed an amazing 61 points. To honor his grandfather Paul made the first free throw and then intentionally air balled the next to finish with the age of his late role model, 62. That kind of determination is what legends are made of, and Paul may very well join that class someday.
Wow, I lied, this isn't going to be that short. I guess I should drop a few quick blurps about some picks now for anyone who reads this to potentially come back and say I'm wrong in the future. Firstly, Andrew Bynum to the Lakers, not nearly as bad a pick as everyone says, potential to be this year's Al Jefferson, rare athletism in huge frame similiar more to Eddy Curry than Shaq. Villenuava and May both better players than people think, but not on the teams that they were chosen by. The Knicks should give Isiah a mental exam. The trades and Channing Frye...Frye's career will be similar to Calvin Cato's. Nate Robinson, reach at 21...hell, he has to reach for the top shelf in the cupboard. Piston's pick, Maxiell, I like it, he fits their need offensively - a tough player who isn't afraid to post up and get dirty.
Ok, enough draft talk. I think that in the last blog I wrote I mentioned something about the Dollar Bill canoe trip, and how I might write a little something about it in a future blog. The more I think about it though, there really isn't all that much to say about it. I had a really good time, and Steve got to come up from home and join us to make an even number, but nothing eventful by my standards really took place. Some of the more memorable moments involved the other people that were there canoeing at the same time as us, including the Scorekeepers employees (most interesting for the attractive waitresses and bartenders) and a small party of 3 girls with completely indecipherable ages (anywhere from 15-23), of whom 2 had amazing bodies and one a stunning face to go with it. The one thing about the trip that stands out the most to me right now is how fucking wrecked everyone's bodies were, including mine, by the end of the trip. I have about 15 bug bites, numerous bruises, a couple blisters, about 6-7 cuts on my hands, and a peeling sunburn on my back for good measure. I would still do it all over again though, and it seems that it was such a success that DB is already planning another canoe trip for later this summer.
This is getting long enough that I'm probably just going to sign off here to a few final thoughts. For one, I'm thinking of writing a blog ranking my all time top ten favorite movie scenes. Secondly, I just watched the movie Closer again, and there is a scene in there where Natalie Portman is a stripper, and that may rank as one of the most erotic non-nude scenes I've ever witnessed. While on the subject, I have meant for some time to write a blog about female strippers (not to be confused with my stripping), and how they operate and make me feel. I don't think women understand just how helpless even a very capable confident guy can feel in the clutches of a wise stripper. Finally, I may even just go see it by myself tomorrow or something, but if anyone reads this and wants to see War of the Worlds get ahold of me and we can go together. Alright, I'll talk to you all again later. Comments!!!
Since you seem to be obsessed with comments I thought I’d leave you one. I don't think anyone cares what you have to say about the NBA draft. People read your blog for your stories and insight into critical life changing events such as UFOs and what shows we should be watching on television (God bless you Beauty and the Geeks). Note: You forgot to mention how we managed to flip our canoe an astounding 4-5 times in about 10 minutes and the trouble our half-drunk asses had trying to flip it over the last time.
Can't leave my name unless I make an user ID, screw that. -Steve
Anonymous, at June 30, 2005 at 3:04 PM
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