Wow, way too long of a layoff
I apologize to my loyal readers (the number of which is apparently growing) who have been left without a blog for oh so long now. I add an additional sorry for my lack of articles that are mentioned in previous blogs as soon to come endeavors. In order to try and touch on a few things that I have been thinking about lately and maybe even some topics touched on in weeks past I will proceed to do another blog in which whatever I'm thinking about gets its own small (but thoughtful) entry. Read away.
- First off, as many of you who regularly talk to me know, there was this weird clip flying around the internet about 2 weeks ago in which a man proclaiming to be an alien prophet calls down a UFO by praying, and this clip wasn't just some fake, it was a report by a local Vegas news affiliate. I was initially amazed by the footage, but needed to investigate the possibility of a hoax. As much as I want to believe the footage is real, I am having a hard time now. There are a few sites out there already devoted to saying he's a fraud, and I must admit that things seem a bit shady. First and foremost, he has a website with numerous videos of himself calling down UFOs...only problem is that it costs $8 to look at these videos. Some prophet, charging money to spread his word (wait, don't lots of churches kinda already...anyway). I even found an interview with him online stating that the aliens have told him that his obeying them will lead to his making great fortunes...sounds a little ridiculous. So, how do people explain his legit UFO footage shot by a news cameraman? One explanation actually seemed pretty legit, as a site online outlines that something like this can be done easily with a large weather balloon and an accomplice. Simply have the second guy release the balloon from a distance at roughly the same time the video is shot, and wait for it to come into view. The balloon gets blown around quite easily and continues rising until the pressure difference causes it to pop, which would easily be confused with it going to hyper-drive in the eyes of an observer. What I can't really explain on the video is how it seems to first appear way up above the witnesses, then seems to move all across the skyline at speeds faster than the wind blowing it (but who knows with editing). As cool as it'd be if it were real, this guy also claims the aliens are approaching for their take-over of earth, which is not so cool (no violence or war he says, just control of our activities). I guess we'll all find out if he's for real soon enough. He claims that a UFO will come down over Vegas within the next 45 days and remain there for over a day in plain sight of everyone. If true, this would be the biggest day in human history.
- I've made it known that I love the new MTV show Next before, and I will touch on it briefly here now. Quite frankly, it is the best dating show ever created. I will save my time explaining the intricacies of the show and just say that there is one deciding dater that ends each date they're on with the word "next," and the next dater (maximum of 5) steps off the famous dating RV that MTV seems to always use. Every minute a date lasts gives the dater $1. If the deciding dater likes you and asks you on a second date, you can take the money and run or accept for nothing but the other person's company. The format is amazing, as just about every imaginable aspect of others shows comes into play. You have insults, completely obscene dating ideas (one guy had to get an enima!), rejection, acceptance, and the lure of the stuff that makes the world go round. Another huge advantage is that with 2 main daters per episode, and typically one man picking women and one woman picking men, you get 6 chances for there to be a hot chick in the episode. The comraderie that forms on the RV is priceless (and hilarious) as well. One great RV moment was when a guy took a dump in the bathroom that was so nasty that the guy who got nexted from his date 30 minutes later asked what the hell the smell was. Another great moment on the bus was when a cocky guy pushed a few too mnay buttons of a fellow dater and an all out fight broke loose. The absolute best aspect of the show though that makes me laugh the hardest is the instantaneous next, when a person doesn't even get a single word in before being told basically, "You are not attractive." Sometimes they seem irrational (Once a person reminded the girl of an ex), other times they are fun to predict when the people are first introduced. Being on a dating show like Next is yet another reason I really need to move to California.
- After my recent bitching of being about 191 lbs and competely out of shape, I have some good news. Subjecting myself to daily basketball play and an 8 minute abs video I downloaded off the internet has dropped me down to 186, and that took about a week. I hope to hit about 182ish and hold there, while lifting some weights to replace the fat with muscle again.
- I'm probably going to get to work at Dollar Bill regularly again soon, so if I just survive the summer moneywise I think I will make it through the rest of my life just fine, I just have some things to take care of still. Hopefully I can become a decent substitute teacher when the school year begins again, as this would be perfect experience to get a teaching job at whatever grad school I end up going to (if I don't get a job sometime soon).
- With our pool finally open I've been getting in some pretty damn good tanning the past few weeks. In reality though, the tanning is merely an excuse to head to the pool when the hot girls that live here are down there sunning themselves (I'm serious, it's pathetic, I admit).
- When I started this blog I promised myself that it would never become some emotionally motivated "Diary" of sorts, and I think that I have done pretty well so far not crossing that boundary. Sometimes I hate that promise though as it has suspended my ability to write about many things that I am passionate about without bringing other people into the discussion. I guess the best reason I had for limiting the content of this blog was to never embarass anybody else that reads it, as it is sometimes way too easy to infer who inflicted the damage that led to an angry or saddened blog, and that is unfair to anyone. I am wasting your time with rant because I just wanted to put it on record that unless something amazing comes along some time soon, I think I have sworn off women (almost completely) until I get my life back in order or make some kind of change. Don't get me wrong, I have no intentions of turning down a dream woman (who by the way was Kate Beckinsale in my dream last night, seriously, good dream), but pursuing anyone at this point seems to be well....pointless. Honestly, I really don't feel that bad about the decision either. Loneliness feels a very long ways away right now.
- I finally attempted and succeeded in burning a DVD that I rented this past week. I may start renting a lot more movies pretty soon here. It was hard to believe how much bullshit it took to figure out how to do it (believe me, this ain't no CD burning, this is like you need at least two programs running together, sometimes 3), but the end result more than made up for all the misinformation I had to crawl through online.
- I hate to say it, but the Pistons will likely lose to the Spurs in 6. I see them winning the next game, then us fighting back to force the series back to San An, but that will be the end of that tomfoolery. Had we played better in just one of the first two games I think I would choose us (who am I to say us??? I don't play for the Pistons) now, but alas, I left my time machine in the car.
- I made mention a really long time ago that Mike got super drunk the one night and created quite a challenge in getting him back in the house. I really don't care to talk about it now, so if you really want this story all you have to do is ask.
- I've been wondering, is the reason that very few people comment on my blog because it isn't full of longwinded speeches about how my ex-girlfriend hurt my feelings or how depressed and lonely I am, or is it because not too many people who read my blog are the type that would write such a blog? Seriously, you all must know a livejournal or user out there who lets it all hang out in their entries, and they get seemingly limitless comments from people just as sensitive as themselves. Since I already promised not to write such fluff, I may be desperate enough to go the other direction - pure controversy!!! Maybe I should just write something completely silly and hateful, like a racist column or something...Just kidding
- I was just thinking, "Boy, this must be my longest blog ever."
- I bet you didn't know that the Travel Channel has some sweet programming on in the afternoon. I guess they're trying to promote these areas to potential paranormal investigators, as shows about UFO sightings, hauntings, and big foot are on almost daily. As misplaced as these shows may seem, they keep me captivated. I already spoke of UFOs in depth earlier, but let me continue by saying that I am a firm believer that they do in fact exist, and are not human (or dolphin) in origin. In fact, I laugh in the face of people who think otherwise. The best show I ever saw on the phenomenon was an ABC special hosted by Peter Jennings, which recently replayed on National Geographic channel (I Tivoed it and have it on my computer now). I find it humerous when skeptics come up with their competely illogical explanations. One skeptic on the show said the huge UFO (seen and reported by thousands) over Pheonix about 6-7 years was bullcrap because there was no signs of a craft on radar. Later in the show he says it was clearly A-10s dropping flares in formation over the city. Are A-10s suddenly stealth? Why wouldn't they show up on radar? Why would they drop flares over a huge city at night? Another was a skeptic telling about 100 military personel at a base that a UFO around the area was the planet Venus, especially since a jet was flown out to the UFO and flew besides it to the testimony of both Air Force pilots. The whole incident was even documented by the people involved, all military, and blown off. Numerous comercial pilots have made the same claims, and get told it was a cloud or something. Throw out 99.9% of all sightings that are completely explainable (one show had a crazy woman taking pictures near an airport with the clear signs of the wing lights and was sure it was a UFO), then consider the expert witnesses in pilots, then look at the numerous military reports, then consider that some cases were seen by as many as 6 independent police patrol cars in one segment on the show, and explain this all away. You simply cannot do it.
- Michigan won the WCWS of Softball! This wouldn't mean much to me except I am friends or aquaintances with the majority of the team. I only attended about 6 games this year (as opposed to maybe 20 last year), but I am still extemely proud. Go Blue!!!
- I went to check out the new ugly Michigan jerseys at the M Den...and they looked normal. Wemay have to wait till opening day to figure out what to really expect.
- My fingers are getting tired.
- I love Lemon-lime kool-aid.
- I'm going to go now, so I can drink some kool-aid cause that last one just made me thirsty.
I knew that video clip was a hoax.. it did look kind of real though. I guess i do read your blog, how embarrassing
Anonymous, at June 16, 2005 at 5:09 PM
Scott, you sure are a character. What are you doing for 4th of July?
Anonymous, at June 16, 2005 at 5:55 PM
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