Very very late
So, it's late at night, and I have all day tomorrow to write as many blogs as I have to, but I feel the need to mention a few things right now while I still have them fresh in mind. I will only say one little thing about Michigan's football team, and this will hopefully be the last I ever have to say about them. This same time last year I wrote a blog saying how we were going to be the most average Michigan team in 20 years and be lucky to go over .500 in the Big Ten etc. etc. and we all know how that turned out. All I can say is support your team and things will turn out. If they don't, oh well, I'm not exactly eligible for the NFL Draft personally, my own life will have to go on irregardless of our success.
What really sparked me to write this blog was an article I just saw on's little news blurps. It was about how some lady who had somehow convinced herself that there is no medical link between HIV and AIDS, and how she was so convinced that despite being HIV positive herself she did not have her children tested. Well, surprise surprise, her poor little 3 year old daughter just died of AIDS pneumonia this past week. According to this lady she thinks the coroner's findings are incorrect. Gotta love when people live in denial. While it is very very saddening to hear that anything so terrible could have happened to a young child it is even more disturbing to find out that this woman wasn't just some random ignorant woman, but a supposed expert in the field of being a medical idiot. The news article claims that she has written a book describing her views on the nature of AIDS that has already sold 50,000 copies. That is the truly sad development in all this. More people's children will die because this woman has offered a completely ridiculous viewpoint that some crazies out there somewhere will latch onto and follow with cult-like precision. How could this woman come to this conclusion? How much evidence does it take for a person to admit that they're wrong.
I'm sure without ever having read or heard (she has appeared on numerous talk-shows as well as 20/20) a word she's had to say on the topic that much of her scientific reasoning is based on some 1% of AIDS cases that can't be explained in the traditional sense. It's a little bit like the people that want to discredit evolution - among millions of species and specific examples that show how evolution works the 5 species out there they can't figure out are the backbone for the belief that God is still in the kitchen cooking up some new recipes. It's just not a great scientific method. Exceptions to most rules usually end up being explained away when more data is available. Unless something dramatic occurs very soon, I fear that the bible will offer us very little new insight on creationism, and the only data to add more evidence against this lady's bullshit cause will be when her 7 year old son dies like his younger sister. What a sad sad world we live in somtimes.
Alright, I hope to have something a little more chipper to write about tomorrow...actually, I know I will. I must say though, I am very disappointed in the comment drought since I came back. When I wasn't even posting anything I was getting like 3 comments a blog and now that I'm back all I've earned has been a spam reply and a note from Julie and Brynne proclaiming that I am completely random. Keep 'em coming people. In fact, I think that right now is as good a time as any to drop a little idea I've been brewing (now is good because this blog isn't too long to keep everyone away from reading it). I want to try an experiment. I want people to officially comment to me on this site with a very very broad topic they want a story about. Like maybe just say "people go fishing" or "a girl has her purse stolen," write just about anything at all. I'll take your topic and turn it into a story, a story which may or may not be completely fictional depending on the relevance to my actual life. I love coming up with stories even more than I love reporting them to my friends, so please participate in this exercise. I can't say for sure if all responses will be written about, or how quickly a response will come, but I would enjoy the challenge. Thank you all very much. Have a great day.
I hope this blog doesn't just disappear as it's so much better than the others.... I visit often and I love it. Keep blogging! ô¿ò And if you have some time come by my high speed dsl website. That is if your interested in high speed dsl.
Anonymous, at September 25, 2005 at 1:30 AM
My old make-out fling who also was the most gorgeous girl i ever met, turned out to be a psycho... literally.
Anonymous, at September 25, 2005 at 12:09 PM
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