Always leaving you waiting for more
So, again I'm merely making a little comment on here to wet all your appetites for when I really get some time and write. I must say, I have accumulated quite a bit to blog you think the new dictionary will have blog listed as both a noun and a verb? Anyway, the main reason for my blog shortage is again my crazy work schedule. I am very poor and live pay check to pay check, so deal with it. I just completed a 60 hour work week - and I had a day off.
Fortunately for me, I love going to work, and they pay me! My manager is da bomb! She invited myself and this other girl that works there, Adonia, to go watch 40 Year Old Virgin this morning, and although I will hopefully devote a little more time to it in a future blog, let me just say right now that it was much more than I expected. It manages to be completely obscene and hilarious while never reaching the level of "that would never happen" that Wedding Crashers did (still a funny film, but the whole 'spoiler alert!!!' girl ending up with the stalker type film is so overdone and bullshit). Actually, 40 YOV presents a somewhat touching buddy/love story that will likely remind you of a dorky guy you've known at some point. Ok, enough on that, I need to write a whole blog on it, not go on and on here and now.
So much has happened the past few weeks that was typical Seaman ridiculuous that all of my loyal fans will be begging for more when I actually get it all jotted down. In addition to the list I proved two blogs ago here are some topics you can look forward to. I really sincerely plan and hope to get them all in at some point.
Had to call aforementioned manager, Monica, at 9 AM to tell her I was too drunk to show up to work on time...but why you may ask? (side note, being cool like she is, she only wanted to know the story in exchange for not caring)
Tried to become a landlord in my search for emergency housing, and learned that there are levels way below trailer trash.
Agreed to sign a lease at a house I have never been to...still haven't been there yet actually
Invented a "boys of dollar bill" poll that has shaken the very foundation of the store (total 100% exaggeration)
Bought and watched MSU at UM 2004 DVD, comments for anyone lookin for a sports fix
and much much more!!!
Before I go, I want to mention two things. One, I still hope to tell some classic stories from long ago as I also mentioned 2 blogs ago. Secondly, I got about as many comments on the last blog as I have in the past 2 months! First, I got one from some random girl Emily, who if you're reading this you already know that I went to her blog and commented back that I wasn't weirded out, and that I am actually flattered. My second comment was from J Keeler, who is absolutely right, I do need to get a good entry in soon. The last comment is referring to the poll I claimed I may write about above. Apparently that comment makes it clear that I am the most likely guy Julie would sleep with from work. More on that later.
Alright, time to go...I need about 5 and a half hours sleep before I go back to work for another 9-10 hour day, then I get a whole day off to move. Sweetness. Hope to please you all soon, in both the written form and orally.
Do you still work at dollar bill? I have a favor to ask... :)
Natalie, at September 7, 2005 at 1:42 PM
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