Every Girl Needs Some Seaman

Monday, June 28, 2004

Seeing Fahrenheit 9-11 Today...

So, I went to this party Saturday night, and I felt a little left out...It wasn't that I didnt know anybody there or have any lingering fueds with unexpected guests, it was that I was pretty much the only person there that had not yet seen Fahrenheit 9-11. If things go as planned this afternoon, that will soon change.

Let me just get a few issues out of the way here to start. 1) I am rather independent on the democrat-republican debate, and 2) While I think Michael Moore's films are funny, and may even make some valid points, their purely one-sided nature really turns me off sometimes. Also, Moore always puts at least one purely ridiculous scene in all of his films where he seems to try to make himself the star/hero (see the scene in Bowling for Columbine when he leaves the Flint girl's pic on Hestons driveway). Somebody told me that Moore appeared on the Daily Show the other day and flat out admitted he purposely twisted his coverage in a direct attempt to swing the undecided vote against Bush. This leads me to my biggest criticism of his style - he calls this a documentary? I've watched lots of documentaries on the Sundance Channel this past year, and not a single one of them was running a persuasive campaign in their movie (in fact, rarely did the director's face make the screen). This film should not be garned attention in this category come the next Academy Awards.

After hearing people argue over this movie for hours (the ones I remember, I got really trashed, but that's not much of a story) the other night, I'll spare anyone reading this much more discussion. I already feel like I know what the movie will be about, as I've read quite a bit of the book its inspired by, Moore's "Dude Where's My Country?" All I really expect is to laugh, cause let's face it, Bush has some weak moments at the podium. Perhaps I will devote another small blog to my post movie feelings...

One last thing, this movie keeps getting hailed for its best at Cannes Film festival awards and 20 minute standing ovations...has anyone ever sat back and thought about the fact that this festival is held in France? Is it really surprising that the French love a movie that insults Bush? Well, whatever...


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