Drunken Masochist
I promised myself that I would write a blog tonight, yet I'm not really feeling in the mood to write anything too long or in depth, so instead I'll relay a story of my crazy masochistic behavior when I'm drunk. Some of you who read this blog may already know that I tend to find ways to inflict massive amounts of pain upon myself when I drink for some reason, ranging from requesting a punch in the stomach to getting whipped with a belt. I know this sounds perverse, but for some reason these situations often arise. I wish I could explain why, but I honestly don't know the answer. Anyway, just understand that I'm somewhat of a masochist as you read this.
Tuesday night after Mike had completed his last exam of the semester he returned home with two new bottles of wine that he wanted to try. He demanded that I join him in his newly cultured endeavor. I concured most readily and consumed quite a bit. The for whatever reason Mike wanted to play a game of darts on our semi-newly aquired electronic board. I wasn't really feeling like it, so instead I offered that he throw a dart at my bare back to see what would happen. Now, keep in mind that we're talking plastic tipped darts, not the metal ones you see the pros throw (who's actually seen a pro throw actually?). So he unleashed a rifle-shot of a blow at my back and low and behold the dart penetrated my skin a solid half inch. Needless to say, I was surprised. The funniest thing was that I was so surprised that my only reaction was to bust out laughing uncontrollably. It was completely unexpected, and equally as hilarious. We took numerous pictures, which I hope to post once I make the effort to get the program to put pics in your blog. When that day comes, I hope you all enjoy the humor as I have. And to quell any fears that any of you may have, I have had two tetanus shots in the past year, so don't worry about anything shy of my mental health.
Anonymous, at May 1, 2005 at 1:04 PM
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