Post movie thoughts and more
Well, the movie did in fact have the same content that I had predicted. I won't try to overanalyze it for anybody here. It had some damn funny parts, some interesting information, but ultimately, not too much I didnt expect. Seriously though, I will admit that there are a few moments where it's a little embarassing to have been an American. Its just hard to watch any movie whether it be about Vietnam or Korea, and in this case Iraq, where you see civilains get exploited and killed for seemingly nothing. On the counterattack though, it would have been nice to get some inkling of the manner in which Iraqis were treated prior to all this, rather than showing footage of a wedding and a kid flying a kite. Enough about that though, it was an alright movie, but again, Moore involved his own ego in the movie a little too much.
On a more important note, check this quote from a story about students who are afraid to take standardized testing cause people to learn how to write properly anymore: "As an adult in today's work world, you don't write anything," said Carol Maoz, head of the upper school (grades 7-9), adding she couldn't think of an occasion students would write out a longhand essay. "You type everything. There really is no need for proper handwriting."
What? I guess I'll call myself an adult, and I will claim that I have written a few things by hand recently, like all of my college notes...Does this lady think we're like supposed to start typing out birthday cards and stuff too? Very strange...
good call Mr. Seaman on the handwriting bit ... that lady is retarded.
Anonymous, at June 30, 2004 at 5:13 PM
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