A little time off
Sorry, I honestly don't know how I let all this time pass between blogs. I guess I just haven't felt that motivated to write any the past week. Another huge part of it might be the fact that I've pretty much gotten wasted each of the past four days, making it hard for me to find the time to write anything. Well, it's good to see that several internet dating sites really enjoy my blog, as is evident by the fact that they comment on it much more often than any of you who actually read it. Oh, by the way, the past four days of drinking are mostly due to the return of Matt Hamm to town for a few days for homecoming (I promise, no blog on the football game). A couple of interesting things happened, and I'll mention those for a minute later. I may even write a full blog about one of the incidents, but again, I'm beginning to get worried about just how many people have access to this crazy thing. I never really know who (or what) is reading what I have to say. Even random people I choose to mock may be checking it out in some unknown way (I've heard putting my name into google returns this blog - a scary thought to say the least).
Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to lay down a couple of the funnier moments of the weekend. Believe me, for once, I promise this will be brief. On Wednesday night we headed out to Rick's and it was pretty dead, so Mike suggested that we play some drinking games. He just walks over to a table of girls and asks if they want to play and they say sure and suddenly we're all sitting down playing quarters. I ask one girl how they know Mike and she says they don't; he just asked to play and they were bored, so said sure. Pretty funny, but not as random as how like 20 minutes later a girl (Mike's ex gf from high school no less) we were going to meet there shows up and it turns out she was going there to also meet up with the table of girls we had incidentally sat down with. This story would end up especially good if any of the girls were cute...but they weren't, sorry.
Another funny moment came at Scorekeepers on Thursday night. Matt and I are sitting down by the Golden Tee arcade game at the table under the stairs when all of a sudden Matt feels something splash on his back. He turns around to see some dude puking at the base of the stairs behind him, only to turn and run before anyone could see his face. Matt turns around and he has red chunkies stuck to him. Pretty fucking sick, but also pretty funny. Matt had a little more fun later that night when we went to hang out at some neighbors' of Shea's house. This is actually related to the story worthy of a whole blog, but I'll skip that part for now. Basically, Matt fell asleep on the couch on their front porch and Shea and this girl Maggie take a beer and start pouring it all over Hamm's crotch. After quite a while he finally wakes up and almost believes he peed himself, but eventually just becomes kinda mad.
Lastly comes the story of the spider drink. There's more to be said about the kid in question here - Jessie - but not right now. Anyway, we're sitting by the window at the Jug when someone yells something out about there being a hot girl with huge "tubes" walking outside and Jessie turns to look at the window. When he turns someone leans over and drops something into his drink. Turns out a spider was walking over on the window sill and this guy just grabbed it and executed his plan immediately. I look in the drink and just see something swimming around. Jessie continues to drink the beer bottle until it's almost empty without ever seeing or drinking the spider. Then we get some pitchers of beer and he dumps the rest of his bottle into a glass along with some fresh beer. The spider is still just floating around. After numerous refills the spider finally disappears down Jessie's hatch, with him none the wiser. Again, pretty fucking gross, but pretty damn funny.
So, in terms of blogs I feel I owe anyone who reads this there are only a few left on my mind. I really do want to tell everyone about my current living situation and how I got here, so that will hopefully come up sometime soon. I also owe part two of the story I wrote like a week ago. I've decided I won't finish that until somebody gives me a topic for a new story to start on. I also feel that I may owe it to anyone who enjoys great comedy to just briefly mention on here that everyone who has HBO needs to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm. Easily the best sit-com on televison, hands down. Obviously it has the advangtage of being on HBO, giving it a little more freedom, but the writing is still better than anything else out there bar none. While I'm just spittin out random thoughts I'd like to mention that one of my new roommates (Tasos) and I are contemplating making some short films based on stories or spoofs of things that we have created. Tasos read a few of my older blog entries and thought a few, especially the UPL one, would make a funny short. Hopefully we can get these made soon so I can find a way for anyone who's interested to get a peek. Alright, as of now I think I'm going to retire, but don't be surprised to see another blog before the end of the day - I really have very little to do.
prettyyy prettyyyyy prettyyy pretty good
Anonymous, at October 9, 2005 at 9:15 PM
Hi, Nice blog, I am bit new to this blog stuff but I really like it. I will definately be back. I have a
charm gold skiing that the horse lovers community just love. I should set a blog up on it that has to do with charm gold skiing
Anonymous, at October 11, 2005 at 6:23 PM
Hey have a great day, I'll be back to see yours again too. :)
Anonymous, at October 12, 2005 at 2:58 PM
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