A daily activity
I just logged on here to blog simply because I feel that writing just about every day will help me get back to writing regularly. I actually don't even know what I'm going to write about as of this second. Hmmmmm. I don't really have a lot time. Well, just to get something down, I think I'll just write whatever comes to mind.
I guess one place to start is why I dont have much time. I may or maynot be going out to the bar with someone from work not named Brynne or Julie. After attending the same party as she and Katherine on Saturday, Lauren asked me in a drunken stupor if I was up for going out to the bar on Monday because she was taking an exam earlier that night. I really have no idea who from work reads this, if anyone, but she's a pretty crazy fun girl. She also gave me "the assist" a few weeks ago. If you don't know what that means, and somebody actually takes the time to ask, I might even write a blog about it.
I guess something else I could talk about is the Michigan-OSU game, but I don't really have much to say. I guess all I can really think of is that games like that actually prove what I always say - Michigan has some of the best talent in the country. I went into that game full-heartedly believing we would lose - OSU just had a better team - but our athletes made plays and kept us in it throughout. The ridiculous number of injuries and such however made victory a tall order. I guess the last thing I will say is that if OSU really was better this year I think that trend will change next year. Anything short of 10 wins next year would be absolutely unexceptable with the experienced talented team we will field next year.
Something else that just crossed my mind is how fucking funny the Ali G show is. It's amazing. I love Ali G himself but Borat is equally entertaining. Rather than quote another comedic source let me just give my endorsement for anyone out there that has HBO and has somehow managed to not watch the show (Respeck!).
I guess the last thing that I will say today is that in the tradition of American movies I'm going to be taking a foreigner home with me for Thanksgiving this year. Tasos (who I also hopes reads this), my roommate from Cyprus (an island off of Greece), is coming back to my Mom's for dinner as he is not planning on going anywhere else. I hope my Mom does a good job on the food. I also hope she doesn't say or do anything too weird now that she's like this really rebelious old lady. If anyone wants more info on that, again, you'll have to ask.
Ok, that's enough writing for one night. I keep trying to determine whether or not I'm going to ever write a few of the blogs that I meant to write months ago when I needed to catch up after not having the internet for a long time. If I have the time some day I want to at least relay the story of how it is that I am currently living where I am with the people that I am. Other than that, there are several stories too private for the eyes and ears of the internet. Until another day, Seacrest out.
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