This blog will return soon
I guess that if you are reading this it would be fair to say that my title is incorrect because soon could be said to be right now. Let me explain a little bit first though. I guess the question a lot of people have been wondering must have been where did the blog go in the first place? Why the sudden end? The answer to this question can be rather complicated. Allow me to try my best.
The blog began as a way for me to accomplish two things really. The first was to display my personal opinions on topics that I assume most readers wouldn't have even cared about, from the NBA Draft to how romantic comedies are often flawed in their portrayal of long-winded stalker speeches. The second was to post some of my most interesting stories for all my friends from over the years to read, an avenue for those who talk to me rarely to get yet another glimpse into the often unprecidented unpredictable life of Scott Seaman. Some of my all time classics have been written out as full fledged short stories on this site, and they have received much admiration from my more ardent fans. Unfortunately, I began to realize that these same stories may have been my undoing...
I guess to put it simply, a great story is hard to come by without somebody's feelings getting hurt. I suppose in some cases that person could even be myself. I've found that in this day and age of limitless information on the internet anyone can be found with and a whole lot of free time. I've tried to post stories about people who supposedly had no knowledge of this site and still they found it. Also, not to try and sound like a saint myself, the past year or so has made me realize that these publicly posted looks into others' lives can be cruel despite their entertainment value.
In reference to the idea that my feelings are the ones getting hurt I give this simple explanation. I've done some things in my life that I am not particularly proud of (like ending this sentence with the word of). I wouldn't say I regret them all because they will forever be a part of what makes me who I am, but I still wouldn't brag too much about most of these memories. On the other hand, however, what I do know is that I have done a million other things that I am infinitely more proud of, and for that reason I wish not to be judged on inconsequential incidents from my past, but moreso on those actions I perform here and now for the people I call my friends. I have become aware that I mysteriously have a reputation that preceeds me. I spend more time than I'd care to trying to convince people that I am not the person they have me pegged for based on a second hand story (which are the worst kinds of stories when told by the wrong person). Hell, some people just look at what I look like or how I dress and the way I interact with people and they assume that they have me figured out. What does all of this have to do with the topic sentence of this paragraph? Simply put, I'm not so sure anymore how I feel about putting stories that potentially shed a negative light on myself out in the open for the vastness of the internet to swallow and regurgitate.
Honestly, my stories are what make me engaging to some groups. I struggle with what to say to new aquaintances all the time as the fine line between intrigue and disgust can easily be transversed by a Scott Seaman story. I just aim to entertain. I really don't know what the content of this site will be in the future...
What I do know is that the summer is pretty much here and with it comes more free time away from free time. By this I mean the sports that I follow will soon cease, the shows that I watch regularly will soon hit finales, and many of the people who demand my time will migrate elsewhere for the season. I need to write on this fucking thing. Any suggestions?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Anonymous, at May 19, 2007 at 11:25 AM
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