Grey's Anatomy Finale - a reaction
So I just finished watching the second season finale to Grey's Anatomy, and while many things happened that I had been praying for not only throughout the course of that singular episode, but for the past 5-6 episodes, I was a little disappointed. Warning - spoiler alert to those who taped it.
First and foremost, thank God that fucking asshole Denny finally died. He was putting the name of my favorite 24-hour breakfast restaurant to shame. I hate that guy. No, it wasn't that I was jealous or anything, he was just a fucking drag to the show. The whole relationship with Izzy was so fucking ridiculous and unrealistic I've had to hold back puke from inside my mouth on many occasions. Seriously. I would have to brush my teeth to savemy breath after the cheesy lines he dropped successful on that dumb bimbo. The whole scene where his heart sits there without beating then mysteriously started made me want to turn off the show. Then his proposing and getting a yes from his doctor, don't get me started on that.
Secondly, the whole we're protecting our family shit, not cool. When people's lives are at stake, you don't fuck around with that shit. There was no reason for any of them to support her. She had basically fucked them all over and potentially dragged their careers down with her own, and they pull that shit? You may ask me what about loyalty and friends etc. etc. that I've been preaching about, but this is different; what about loyalty to your patients and people's lives? Some other guy with kids who doesn't ask his doctor to marry him lost out on that heart and for what, for Izzy to lay on a corpse later in the episode? Also, while on this topic, the other aspect of the show that made me happy was seeing Izzy leave the show. Yeah, she's pretty hot and all, but for realism purposes I'll gladly lose any character dumb enough and irresponsible enough to pull the total bullshit that she did. She deserves to be kicked out. I hope they don't manage to work her back in next season, what she did was without a question automatic loss of her chance to ever practice medice again in my book. Wow, the more I think about it the more frustrating the stupidity of the whole episode was. I likely won't even be able to remember half the stuff I'm pissed about.
Let's move on then to the one detail of the episode that was most astounding from a realism point of view because real people do make poor decisions just like the ones I mentioned before: how could they have had all these GSW victims from the episode before not to mention their best surgeon getting shot and manage to all walk around and socialize the entire episode while they seemed so busy earlier? Think about it, at a few points in the show the Nazi, Chief, and She-Shepard are all chilling thinking of Chief's niece, the one part where the Shepards argue the entire hospital staff is standing around in one area, the entire staff of surgical interns crams into one room to save Fuckface (Denny), and worse of all the hospital somehow manages to hold a prom in which you can see just about every character at one time not attending to any patients. Making this all the more absurd is the fact that you easily forget that the shooting of Burke/Denny drama is right in the middle of them treating 13 GSWs from only like an hour before...who sutured them up? Who was watching over them? Nurses? It's completely as Bush would say nonsensical.
Alright, now on the drama aspects of the show not necessarily relating to medical shit: Fuck McDreamy and his fucking Grey on the hospital bed. It's less the fact that he sucks and more the fact that the vet seems like the most normal nice cool guy to ever appear on the show and Meredith manages to shit down the collar of his tux. What a dumb cunt. First of all, getting into Vet School is hard! But more on topic, he's a normal respectable guy, and let's face it, despite her outstanding chastising of McDreamy last episode we all must face that Meredith is without a doubt"damaged goods." But like a true good guy the Vet gives her a chance, and she ruins it. Stupid Grey.
Also, if I said that Denny makes me puke earlier, then Cali and her relationship with George gives me leprosy. Did you see her in that dress at the end of the show? She looked like Dick Butkus. She also convinced me that a body double was used in the hand washing scene, as one of her hips was bigger around than the entire waist they showed in that scene. While I'm at it, she looks like a transvestite. She is manly! George looks like a 15 year old and she looks like his latino priest dressed in drag trying to molest him. Sickening. And she's a royal bitch. What a package. I think my arm is falling off right now, Motorcycle Diaries style. Where are you Che?
Am I saying that I won't watch the show next season? Of course not! It's amazingly entertaining. It gives me a way to bridge the age gap with several of my coworkers also, as we all enjoy mocking the show together. I will admit that I had pretty much lost faith in the show mid season, as it seemed that literally every episode featured at least one scene where Meredith either fights with McDreamy or tells her friends how hurt she is that he chose his wife over her. It's like they tried to see how many different ways they could phrase the same conversation without the fans screaming foul.
Alright, I gotta go do something I've never done before - eat at the Fleetwood Diner. I actually have a lot more to say about this and other shows not to mention some movies that I've seen recently, but that will all have to wait. See you all later.
Maybe it wasn't Izzy who did that, but her little sister who switched bodies with her when she wished upon a star.
Anonymous, at May 16, 2006 at 3:57 PM
I think you solved the mystery sir. Disney Channel FTW
Anonymous, at May 16, 2006 at 4:18 PM
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