Quick Response
For anybody who reads the comments to my Grey's Anatomy post and wonders what the fuck that's all about, let me explain. Jeff is my brother, and I will admit without embarassment that we used to routinely watch some Disney Channel programming, especially Even Stevens and all of Disney's original movies. One such movie was called "Wish Upon a Star," and it used the classic body switching plot line. The whole tie in to Grey's Anatomy is that Katherine Heigl, Izzy from the show, played one of two sisters in the movie that switches bodies with each other when they wish on the same star that they could be in the other's position, hence my brother saying that it wasn't Izzy who cut the lines, but instead her sister in her body. Make sense now?
Anyway, I'm certainly not going to take the time right now to write another full blog because I think I have more exciting things I could potentially be doing. What I will do instead is give a little preview list of what to expect in some future blogs if I ever get around to writing them. Firstly, I've seen several movies lately, including the mainstream (Inside Man, Mission Impossible 3) and the completely obscure (Art School Confidential, Me, You, and Everyone we Know). Without a doubt the most interesting of all of them was Me, You, and Everyone we Know. Maybe one of the most original movies (that didn't totally suck) that I've seen in years. Even if you don't like much of the movie I guarantee that there will be a few parts that will surprise and entertain you. I'll get to that later. Also, season finales to Lost and Desperate Housewives are coming up - I'll keep you all posted. Ok, enough for now, I gotta get going. Cya all later.
1. i dont caaare seaman
2. taco party tomorrow or friday
3. best buy trip ASAP
4. my bank screwed me over
5. i am gay
Adam Cole
Anonymous, at May 17, 2006 at 5:28 AM
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